Monday, August 29, 2016

SnS Lingerie

SnS bikinis has just released some of the sexiest  lingerie ever seen, some with more coverage then before and some with less coverage, everyone loves a full coverage lace bottom don't they? I think so. Our lingerie come in all sorts of colors! More than twenty to be exact! We carry lingerie made by the softest, sexiest lace ever.

"Sexy bride" is a very sexy bottom that is perfect for any guy that likes their wife or partner in something a little more coverage and for someone who doesn't really like the thong. It comes in two sexy colors, white and red, and who doesn't look good in white or red.

"Orchid" is one of our most popular lingerie bottoms, They are medium coverage, it is a thong but doesn't really have the thong feel to it, It comes in four beautiful different colors such as, blackflower, whiteflower, pinkflower and redflower, This is perfect for someone who feels comfortable in their own skin!

Those are just some examples of what we have, we have a lot more, and sexy bras. Don't miss out your chance to view our sexy lingerie, just click here!

Monday, August 15, 2016

What kind of bikini should I wear?

Don’t forget, we are in the 21th century, everyone has their own style! Get what ever makes you look and feel the most comfortable and sexy!

If you don't know what you want I'm going to give you an idea:

There are lots of different body shapes, Just to give you an idea there is straight, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, and Apple. You have to know what would look good on you.

If you are pear shaped (bigger in the hip area): Look for something with a skirt bottom.Try not to use boy shorts or full coverage bottoms, It will only call attention.

If you are straight or athletic shaped (less curves, straight from top to bottom): If you have a straight figure, you can wear almost anything you like but if you desire more of a curvy look then look for something like a monokini with cut outs or slashes, they create a perfect curve effect, or maybe try a bikini that has bold designs or lots of ruffles. The smaller the swimsuit bottom the better.

If you are apple shaped (curvy): If you do not want to exaggerate your curves that don't go anywhere near monokinis or sting bikinis with thick ties. To make you look slimmer go for something like high waisted bottoms and boxy halter tops.

If you are hourglass shaped (slim waist, curvy hips & chest area): To show off your flat stomach, go for a high cut shape, this will make your legs look longer and create a slim illusion. A high waist is to cover up your stomach and at the same time bring attention to it.

If you have small bust: Lucky for you, you can rock anything! If you want to appear that you have more to offer, try a push-up bikini or a bikini with padding. If you dont want any added padding try a bikini with lots of ruffles or patterns.

If you have large bust: If you're bigger on top you need to get something with lots of support, a bikini similar to a bra. Look for something with underwire, adjustable straps and maybe even size-specific fits will keep your rack in the most flattering way.

If you have a small booty: If you're not happy how your butt looks in just any bikini look for a scunch butt or a bottom that has lots of frills. Another thing to do is get something with a lot of details, patterns or just a bright color. Showing a little more butt is ideal.

If you have a bigger booty: If you got more junk in the trunk, You need to get a bottom that covers just enough so you won't be pulling it down constantly. If you don't want to show off you butt by using brazilian, string or other skimpy bikini bottoms, try something with a solid color bottom and a top with bright designs or patterns to attrack attention to the top.

Do you want, very low coverage? low coverage? medium coverage? high coverage? or complete coverage? To give you an idea I will list names below.

If you want very low coverage you might want something like "Extreme" micro bikini, "Glossy" micro bikini, "sweet tempation" one piece or "Destiny" micro bikini.

If you want low coverage you might want something like "Spicy" mini bikini, "Jennifer" mini bikini or "Micro Diamond" mini bikini.

If you want medium coverage you might want something like "Bunny Angel" maxi bikini, "Daisy" maxi bikini or "Juicy Fruit" maxi bikini.

If you want high coverage you might want something like "Illusion" monokini, "Candice" one piece or "Coco" one piece.

If you want full coverage you might want something like "Diosa" one piece, "Kenya" one piece, "juliet" one piece or "Venice" one piece.

But honestly it depends on what style you like.

Remember to always click on "Size Chart" before buying to make sure the size is right for you!

I'm sure whatever you pick out will look amazing on you, And don't forget we don't just have bikinis we also have dresses, lingerie, jump suits, skirts and more! So make sure you take a look at everything!   


Friday, August 12, 2016

15 Facts about Bikinis

1. The most expensive swimsuit in the world is a bikini that is worth $30 million dollars. Designed by Susan Rosen and Steinmetz Diamonds, the bikini is made with more than 150 carats of D flawless diamonds which are all set in platinum.

2. Thongs are illegal in Melbourne, Florida as of January 2005. The punishment is a $500 fine or 60 days in jail.

3. One of the first chest-revealing suits for men appeared in 1932 and was called the “Topper.” The suit had a detachable top that could be zipped away from the trunk bottoms. Unfortunately, men who chose to appear topless at the time were often arrested for indecent exposure.

4. Tyra Banks was the first African-American to appear on the cover of a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, in 1997. The second was Beyoncé Knowles, in 2007.

5. The world’s largest bikini parade took place on November 9, 2009. Clad only in bikinis, 287 girls paraded in Johannesburg, South Africa, to raise awareness for breast cancer, which affects one in every 30 South African women

6.The thong (Old English for “flexible leather cord”) is known as fio dental or “dental floss” in Brazil.

7. The term “G-string” does not derive from the fourth string on the violin (G string) Rather, as linguist Robert Hendrickson suggests, the “G” in G-string or “geestring” stands for “groin.”

8.During the eighteenth century, women wore “bathing gowns,” which were long dresses of fabric inspired by promenade or lawn dresses. Made from wool or flannel, these bathing costumes had weights sewn into the hem to keep them from floating up. Men would wear a body-fitting wool suit with long legs and sleeves.

9. When the first bikini was introduced in 1946, it was marketed as a two-piece swimming suit that revealed “everything about a girl except her mother’s maiden name.

10. When the Barbie doll debuted on March 9, 1959, her first outfit was a black-and-white striped swimsuit.

11. Women’s swimwear makes up about 70% of the swimwear market. Children’s swimwear constitutes 13%, and men’s approximately 17%.

12. China is the world’s largest exporter of swimwear, constituting approximately 70% of the global shipments. (SnSbikinis is not Chinese)

13. A mankini, popularized in the 2006 film Borat, is a sling-like swimsuit worn by men.

14. The last time Marilyn Monroe appeared in a bikini on screen was in the 1962 film Something's Got to Give.

15. Though nude bathing was perfectly acceptable, ancient Greeks might also wear bathing costumes, which were essentially street-wear togas. When bathing again became popular in the early eighteenth century, both women and men wore toga-like garments that paid homage to the ancient bathing institution.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How to get a bikini body in 21 days

Do you ever look in the mirror and try to avoid looking at your stomach or legs? I know I use to before I followed these steps. Don't give up! Don't quit, The taste of food only lasts for a little bit, while the fat lasts a long time, sadly. Anyways, Read below to find out how you can lose weight fast to be happy with your body!

Know where you want to lose weight the most, Or do you want to lose weight? Do you want to gain muscle or are you happy the way you are and just want to tone up a little bit.

Weigh yourself, Track your progress. Make sure you always know how much you weigh to make sure the workouts you are doing are right for you. If you're just trying to gain muscle remember that you will gain weight cause muscle weights more than fat, so don't be scared if the scale is going up!

Take a picture before you start your diet and workout plan, so you will stay motivated. When you finally take the end picture you will be happy with the results!

Make sure you hang up the bikini on a place where you can always see it , so it will keep you motivated, especially on those days where you just want to sit down and cry.

Eating that piece of cake isn't worth it, This is extremely important if you are trying to lose weight you have to change your diet too, like I said already, taste lasts little, fat lasts long.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables! Banana, Melon, Cucumber, Lettuce, Spinach, Pineapple, Strawberries, ect. are perfect for you to get full and not gain lots of calories.

Eat lean proteins. Turkey, chicken and fish are low in fat but rich in protein.

Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water a day.

Reduce your sugar intake, Read food labels and beware of hidden sugars in dressings, sauces, and breads. Try to stay away from alcohol. If you do drink, opt for wine rather than sugary cocktails or carb-heavy beers.

Do 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week. Examples include walking, running, jogging, biking, swimming, and/or hiking. Exercises increase your metabolism, even after you have finished exercising. Also choose an exercise that you enjoy. This way you are more likely to stick with it.

Join an exercise class or gym. If you are having trouble staying motivated on your own, being around other people might help. Plus, if you are paying for a gym membership, you will likely feel obligated more to exercise.

Make simple lifestyle changes. If you can't find the time to do a formal exercise, then make simple changes to make your daily routine more active.
Park further away from your destination and walk.
Walk around the local mall or park for a few hours.
Clean the house or do other errands that require you to be on your feet.

Do yoga, pilates, or other total-body toning exercises. These are especially useful for women who want to stay lean. They also improve flexibility, posture, and mood

Work your abs.
Do Crunches.
Hold a plank for as long as you can. Be sure you keep your body straight; don't let your hips sag. 

Strengthen your legs.
Do squats. These will also help tone up your butt!
Do lunges. Hold a dumbbell in each hand for extra weight.
Use a stationary bike or elliptical on high resistance.

Keep a food and/or exercise journal. People who keep track of what they eat tend to lose more weight than those who don't. Be sure to read food labels and include toppings, dressings, and sauces when calculating your caloric intake.

Find a weight loss buddy. You can help keep each other motivated when motivation levels are low, and even compete with one another as an extra incentive.

Good luck girls!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Eight reasons you should wear a bikini!

Reason number one, Fat looks better tan, I know I know that might seem harsh but its not! Everyone knows that fat looks more defined and skinny tan. Wear sunscreen but wear a bikini to tan that belly! You'll start liking your fat once its tan, trust me! If you're naturally tanned then you you beat us white girls! Avoid spay tans! Get a bikini!

Reason number two, You are way smaller than you think you are, I don't care if you're a size 33, You're smaller than you think you are! Every girl thinks they're bigger than they actually are, who cares what people think, or what you think people think, Be comfortable and wear what you want to wear!

Reason number three, No one cares! No one wants to stare at you and judge you, No one is waiting for you to get to the beach so they can make fun of you or think bad of you, NO. No one cares who you are, Anyways everyone is probably thinking the same thing you are thinking, so let those stretch marks, belly fat, and cellulite shine!

Reason number four,  Your body today looks better than your body will tomorrow, I learned this the hard way I lived all of my teenage years in fear thinking everyone is judging me when they weren't, I never wore a bikini in the public until I was thirty years old! I looked back at pictures when I was twenty and I really do regret not wearing a bikini because the first time I said I was fat is the fat I want to be now!

Reason number five, Bathroom breaks, Have you tried going to the bathroom in a wet one piece? Not fun.

Reason number six, Tankinis are nice but they aren't as comfortable as a bikini!

Reason number seven, High waisted bikinis are back in style! Who doesn't like the pin up girl style? No one, Every girl I know love the pin up style high waisted bikini! So don't make up excuses like "I can't wear this bikini, It shows my belly" Not with these high waisted bikinis! You can hide your stomach and look and feel beautiful!

Reason number eight, The last reason I'm going to give you is BECAUSE YOU CAN! You can wear a bikini and rock it, no one is going to say look a girl in a bikini, because its a normal thing! Wear your bikini and take advantage to wear it while girls across the world are being killed for showing a little bit of chest, Wear it cause you're free to do whatever you would like! WEAR IT BECAUSE YOU CAN!

Never be afraid to wear what you like, and never be scared to show off what you have! Who cares what people think, The biggest bully here is you. Fight your inner bully and wear what you please! Look sexy in SnS bikinis! I promise you won't be dissapointed!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ways to get a perfect tan

Step one, Always use protection! Just like when you're getting frisky at night time with your partner, ALWAYS USE PROTECTION! Don't think that using sunscreen will make your tan not come as good as without sunscreen, Because if you think that you're completely wrong, Your skin renews its self every 10 days so using sunscreen will not effect your tan. The slower you tan the longer it will last.

Step two, Remember to always apply lotion every 2 hours after getting out of the water so your skin won't dry up and always stay hydrated. No one likes burned skin, do they? No.

Step three, Remember to always exfoliate, Do it gently and regularly to avoid dead skin to block the rays. If you forget to exfoliate that will cause you to have an uneven tan, which nobody really wants, do they? Of course not! If you're looking for a natural scrub you can use sugar mixed with honey, coffee and olive oil, Coca cola or oatmeal with a little bit of salt.

Step four, Make sure you move around! No one wants an uneven tan like i said above so make sure that you move around to make sure all of your body is exposed to the sun. Make sure you flip over every 15 or 30 minutes. If you're feeling sleepy make sure you go under an umbrella so you don't pass out on one side.

Step five, USE EYE PROTECTION! Since you're going to be in the sun all day long, your eyes will be exposed, That causes burns on the eye lids (which isn't nice). Always use sunglasses or a hat over your eyes.

Step six, For the best tan it is the best option to tan outside, People say tanning beds are better than the actual sun but thats not the truth, Its better to be exposed to the sun than to be laying in a bed, Tanning beds actually give as much as 12 times more UVA than being outside. And hello, haven't you seen "final destination 3"? yeah, no thank you. The sun is your best choice!

Step seven, Make sure you know whats the best time to tan, Doctors say to avoid tanning betweet 10am and 4pm even if its not sunny outside! The last thing anyone wants is to be burned, red is not pretty and a sunburn is not fun!

Step eight, The last step! Make sure you shower to get all that icky oil, sand, and lotion off your skin to make you look the best, You may also use aloe vera to cool down your skin after you finish tanning.

Now get out there and tan!