Thursday, August 4, 2016

Eight reasons you should wear a bikini!

Reason number one, Fat looks better tan, I know I know that might seem harsh but its not! Everyone knows that fat looks more defined and skinny tan. Wear sunscreen but wear a bikini to tan that belly! You'll start liking your fat once its tan, trust me! If you're naturally tanned then you you beat us white girls! Avoid spay tans! Get a bikini!

Reason number two, You are way smaller than you think you are, I don't care if you're a size 33, You're smaller than you think you are! Every girl thinks they're bigger than they actually are, who cares what people think, or what you think people think, Be comfortable and wear what you want to wear!

Reason number three, No one cares! No one wants to stare at you and judge you, No one is waiting for you to get to the beach so they can make fun of you or think bad of you, NO. No one cares who you are, Anyways everyone is probably thinking the same thing you are thinking, so let those stretch marks, belly fat, and cellulite shine!

Reason number four,  Your body today looks better than your body will tomorrow, I learned this the hard way I lived all of my teenage years in fear thinking everyone is judging me when they weren't, I never wore a bikini in the public until I was thirty years old! I looked back at pictures when I was twenty and I really do regret not wearing a bikini because the first time I said I was fat is the fat I want to be now!

Reason number five, Bathroom breaks, Have you tried going to the bathroom in a wet one piece? Not fun.

Reason number six, Tankinis are nice but they aren't as comfortable as a bikini!

Reason number seven, High waisted bikinis are back in style! Who doesn't like the pin up girl style? No one, Every girl I know love the pin up style high waisted bikini! So don't make up excuses like "I can't wear this bikini, It shows my belly" Not with these high waisted bikinis! You can hide your stomach and look and feel beautiful!

Reason number eight, The last reason I'm going to give you is BECAUSE YOU CAN! You can wear a bikini and rock it, no one is going to say look a girl in a bikini, because its a normal thing! Wear your bikini and take advantage to wear it while girls across the world are being killed for showing a little bit of chest, Wear it cause you're free to do whatever you would like! WEAR IT BECAUSE YOU CAN!

Never be afraid to wear what you like, and never be scared to show off what you have! Who cares what people think, The biggest bully here is you. Fight your inner bully and wear what you please! Look sexy in SnS bikinis! I promise you won't be dissapointed!

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