Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ways to get a perfect tan

Step one, Always use protection! Just like when you're getting frisky at night time with your partner, ALWAYS USE PROTECTION! Don't think that using sunscreen will make your tan not come as good as without sunscreen, Because if you think that you're completely wrong, Your skin renews its self every 10 days so using sunscreen will not effect your tan. The slower you tan the longer it will last.

Step two, Remember to always apply lotion every 2 hours after getting out of the water so your skin won't dry up and always stay hydrated. No one likes burned skin, do they? No.

Step three, Remember to always exfoliate, Do it gently and regularly to avoid dead skin to block the rays. If you forget to exfoliate that will cause you to have an uneven tan, which nobody really wants, do they? Of course not! If you're looking for a natural scrub you can use sugar mixed with honey, coffee and olive oil, Coca cola or oatmeal with a little bit of salt.

Step four, Make sure you move around! No one wants an uneven tan like i said above so make sure that you move around to make sure all of your body is exposed to the sun. Make sure you flip over every 15 or 30 minutes. If you're feeling sleepy make sure you go under an umbrella so you don't pass out on one side.

Step five, USE EYE PROTECTION! Since you're going to be in the sun all day long, your eyes will be exposed, That causes burns on the eye lids (which isn't nice). Always use sunglasses or a hat over your eyes.

Step six, For the best tan it is the best option to tan outside, People say tanning beds are better than the actual sun but thats not the truth, Its better to be exposed to the sun than to be laying in a bed, Tanning beds actually give as much as 12 times more UVA than being outside. And hello, haven't you seen "final destination 3"? yeah, no thank you. The sun is your best choice!

Step seven, Make sure you know whats the best time to tan, Doctors say to avoid tanning betweet 10am and 4pm even if its not sunny outside! The last thing anyone wants is to be burned, red is not pretty and a sunburn is not fun!

Step eight, The last step! Make sure you shower to get all that icky oil, sand, and lotion off your skin to make you look the best, You may also use aloe vera to cool down your skin after you finish tanning.

Now get out there and tan!

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