Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How to get a bikini body in 21 days

Do you ever look in the mirror and try to avoid looking at your stomach or legs? I know I use to before I followed these steps. Don't give up! Don't quit, The taste of food only lasts for a little bit, while the fat lasts a long time, sadly. Anyways, Read below to find out how you can lose weight fast to be happy with your body!

Know where you want to lose weight the most, Or do you want to lose weight? Do you want to gain muscle or are you happy the way you are and just want to tone up a little bit.

Weigh yourself, Track your progress. Make sure you always know how much you weigh to make sure the workouts you are doing are right for you. If you're just trying to gain muscle remember that you will gain weight cause muscle weights more than fat, so don't be scared if the scale is going up!

Take a picture before you start your diet and workout plan, so you will stay motivated. When you finally take the end picture you will be happy with the results!

Make sure you hang up the bikini on a place where you can always see it , so it will keep you motivated, especially on those days where you just want to sit down and cry.

Eating that piece of cake isn't worth it, This is extremely important if you are trying to lose weight you have to change your diet too, like I said already, taste lasts little, fat lasts long.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables! Banana, Melon, Cucumber, Lettuce, Spinach, Pineapple, Strawberries, ect. are perfect for you to get full and not gain lots of calories.

Eat lean proteins. Turkey, chicken and fish are low in fat but rich in protein.

Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water a day.

Reduce your sugar intake, Read food labels and beware of hidden sugars in dressings, sauces, and breads. Try to stay away from alcohol. If you do drink, opt for wine rather than sugary cocktails or carb-heavy beers.

Do 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week. Examples include walking, running, jogging, biking, swimming, and/or hiking. Exercises increase your metabolism, even after you have finished exercising. Also choose an exercise that you enjoy. This way you are more likely to stick with it.

Join an exercise class or gym. If you are having trouble staying motivated on your own, being around other people might help. Plus, if you are paying for a gym membership, you will likely feel obligated more to exercise.

Make simple lifestyle changes. If you can't find the time to do a formal exercise, then make simple changes to make your daily routine more active.
Park further away from your destination and walk.
Walk around the local mall or park for a few hours.
Clean the house or do other errands that require you to be on your feet.

Do yoga, pilates, or other total-body toning exercises. These are especially useful for women who want to stay lean. They also improve flexibility, posture, and mood

Work your abs.
Do Crunches.
Hold a plank for as long as you can. Be sure you keep your body straight; don't let your hips sag. 

Strengthen your legs.
Do squats. These will also help tone up your butt!
Do lunges. Hold a dumbbell in each hand for extra weight.
Use a stationary bike or elliptical on high resistance.

Keep a food and/or exercise journal. People who keep track of what they eat tend to lose more weight than those who don't. Be sure to read food labels and include toppings, dressings, and sauces when calculating your caloric intake.

Find a weight loss buddy. You can help keep each other motivated when motivation levels are low, and even compete with one another as an extra incentive.

Good luck girls!

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